Thursday, May 17, 2007

No Rain on Iran!

If I were a protestor, those would be my words. I would scream them and speak them; write them on placards and at the bottom of sticky note memos during work. I would mutter them in a whisper to myself; doodle them on loose-leaf to be left for strangers to find; and send mass emails with those words as the subject line.

They appeal to my economical side. You see, each one of the letters in the first two words was used in the construction of the second two. Recycling is very important to me – what with global warming and all.

But what does it mean? Rain, Iran? Is their a connection? Of course!

One day, the United States may defend an attack on Iran with a certain pretense. “The Iranians,” they say, “are suffering a stifling system and need our help. We are compelled, for their own good, to attack their leaders, their nuclear reactors, and, unfortunately, their cities.” It’s a pretense, of course, because the goal is not really the good of Iranians. But that’s another issue.

For now I’m concerned with the belief – whether genuinely held or not – that an invasion of Iran would help Iranians. It wouldn’t. They don’t need this leadership from above. Your missiles (your rain) will only drown out the voices of dissent they have developed for themselves. You can bring nothing but chaos. So refrain. Go away, for now at least. Come back another day.


Unknown said...

Nice writing Daniel. But since I support the bombings, I'll only comment on your writing-style. I like the rain motif. Its emotive, but not preachy. I like the economical joke.

Kurtz said...

Who are we kidding? Seriously. When the hell has the US ever been proven helpful since World War Two? Korea? Vietnam? Iraq? Iran?

The US doesn't help anyone else, they help themselves, they just know how to package it so numbskulled Republicans like your friend here believe that the right thing is being done by dropping bombs.

The truth is people in Iran do need help, and those of us who are fortunate enough should help. We owe it to the people of Iran.. well.. the US owes it, and repayment should have started long ago. People are suffering.

Daniel said...

You're right, Iran needs a hand. But a military intervention is definitely not the way to give it. Although I'm not suggesting that's what you want.

By the way, my friend was kidding about dropping bombs on Iran. She was being satirical.

Kurtz said...

Well. I'm not sure if a non military approach would work. Power must be taken by those who have it now, and they sure as hell aren't going to just give it up. The Iranian government has pretty deep pockets (despite their current economic situation), and that has gotten them much support.

Unless there a true people's revolution, which is what I believe should happen, Iran will have to be taken by force.. the decision is really made for us.

I just don't think it should be US military. Maybe the UN?

Or we could just switch the channel.

Yeah. I kind of figured your friend was joking.