Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Obama in the world

Barack Obama's internationalist foreign policy inspires hope in a better future when compared to Bush's shoot-'em-up approach to the world abroad. Obama seems to genuinely want a more cooperative international order.

From the NY Times:
A post-post-9/11 strategy must harness the forces of globalization while honestly addressing the growing “perception of unfairness” around the world; must actively promote, not just democracy, but “a world of liberty under law”; and must renew multilateral instruments like the United Nations. In mainstream foreign-policy circles, Barack Obama is seen as the true bearer of this vision. “There are maybe 200 people on the Democratic side who think about foreign policy for a living,” as one such figure, himself unaffiliated with a campaign, estimates. “The vast majority have thrown in their lot with Obama.”

Yet, there are still conceivable problems with Obama's foreign policy which should be addressed. Read here to see how Obama may still believe in something like America's moral superiority - an untrue and unpragmatic belief.

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