Wednesday, March 12, 2008

During the last few weeks, there was much talk about how placebos may be as effective as Prozac and other SSRI's in combating depression, anxiety, etc.

Being very anti-pharma, I was happy with this. Well, it turns out there are some complications. Read here:

That said, the study does come with one big caveat: the trials it analyzed are all 6-8 weeks long. In that short time frame, Prozac is often no better than a placebo. (Keep in mind that SSRI's rarely produce any positive benefits for the first several weeks, a phenomenon known as the Prozac lag.) However, the performance gap between placebos and SSRI's tends to widen the longer a person is taking the drug. After a while, the placebo effect tends to wear off, which is why people on an "active drug" are less likely to relapse.

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