Sunday, January 6, 2008

if this is leadership, who needs it?

Africa is burning, and if we want to put the fire out we'll have to start with its leaders. The presidents and prime ministers African states have appointed since colonialism have been some of the worst ever. They are at best incompotent and unfit to rule, and at worst corrupt, stealing from innocent people who deserve much better, and murderous, going as far as genocide in some cases.

One of the worst offenders has been Robert Mugabe, the dictator of Zimbabwe. Read this review of some new studies of Zimbabwe, the failed state, and the role Mugabe and his party have had in its slow death.


Anonymous said...

Hey Daniel.
My name is Dearit,I am your cousin from Norway.Your dad is with us now,evrybody is saying hi.You can give me your e-mail,so maybe we can keep in tuch.

Sepehr Alamouti said...
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maryam said...

hello sepehr,

I want to ask you some questions. please give me your email address.
